Rev. Dr. William H. Robinson, a native of Little Rock, Arkansas, served as Senior Pastor of Theressa Hoover United Methodist Church for the past 35 years. Spanning over two decades, Theressa Hoover United Methodist Church has become a national icon known for rebuilding lives and restoring communities. Rev. Dr. Robinson believes that we are a spiritual people and without spiritual nourishment we grow weary and faint in well doing.
Better Community Development formerly Black Community Developers, Inc, (BCD, Inc.) the fruition of a vision inspired by Rev. Robinson 30+ years ago, has become a concrete and valuable resource to the community. BCD, Inc houses programs that seek to assist people by providing services to eliminate the drug problems running rampant throughout our nation. Whatever drugs have destroyed in the lives of people and their families, BCD, Inc. seeks to rebuild. Rev. Robinson understands that drug addiction and human suffering of any kind affects all people; therefore, Rev. Robinson reaches out to the need, regardless of the race, creed, or color of the person in need.
Rev. Robinson preaches that each one should help one. The fight for freedom and justice and substance abuse is a “we” not a “me” battle. Therefore, through his preaching ministry, believers continue to join in the fight to build better and stronger communities.
Among its many success stories, Rev. Robinson has transformed, restored and given individuals renewed pride in themselves and their neighborhoods. BCD’s Affordable Housing has taken blocks of run-down, dilapidated buildings and built new affordable homes primarily in the Midtown section of Little Rock. These homes have given hope, pride as well as strength to the infrastructure of a once neglected part of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. Over eighty homes have been built with a goal of building 100 homes within the next two years.
Affectionately known as “Paw Paw”, not just by his immediate family but also throughout the community, Rev. Robinson has truly touched many lives. It has not been by his power nor his strength, but by faith understanding that God could even when people told him that it could not be done.
Rev. Dr. William H. Robinson, a man of great character, and even greater compassion, has demonstrated that the gospel message must extend beyond oppressive boundaries if the captives are to be set free.
Better Community Development formerly Black Community Developers, Inc, (BCD, Inc.) the fruition of a vision inspired by Rev. Robinson 30+ years ago, has become a concrete and valuable resource to the community. BCD, Inc houses programs that seek to assist people by providing services to eliminate the drug problems running rampant throughout our nation. Whatever drugs have destroyed in the lives of people and their families, BCD, Inc. seeks to rebuild. Rev. Robinson understands that drug addiction and human suffering of any kind affects all people; therefore, Rev. Robinson reaches out to the need, regardless of the race, creed, or color of the person in need.
Rev. Robinson preaches that each one should help one. The fight for freedom and justice and substance abuse is a “we” not a “me” battle. Therefore, through his preaching ministry, believers continue to join in the fight to build better and stronger communities.
Among its many success stories, Rev. Robinson has transformed, restored and given individuals renewed pride in themselves and their neighborhoods. BCD’s Affordable Housing has taken blocks of run-down, dilapidated buildings and built new affordable homes primarily in the Midtown section of Little Rock. These homes have given hope, pride as well as strength to the infrastructure of a once neglected part of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. Over eighty homes have been built with a goal of building 100 homes within the next two years.
Affectionately known as “Paw Paw”, not just by his immediate family but also throughout the community, Rev. Robinson has truly touched many lives. It has not been by his power nor his strength, but by faith understanding that God could even when people told him that it could not be done.
Rev. Dr. William H. Robinson, a man of great character, and even greater compassion, has demonstrated that the gospel message must extend beyond oppressive boundaries if the captives are to be set free.